All you need to know about Nose Bleeding

The sight of nosebleeds might be terrifying, but there's nothing to worry about. Because of the rapid changes in temperature, nose bleed (medically known as Epistaxis) is fairly prevalent throughout the winter. It is almost never serious or life-threatening. But, before we get into how to stop nose bleeding, it's important to understand why it happens, what causes it, and how bad it may go.

What causes nasal bleeding?

The nose is extremely vascular in nature, with a thin mucosal covering and many blood arteries supplying blood to the nasal tissue. Because of the fragile nature of these blood vessels, even a minor cut can result in extensive nasal bleeding, which can look serious at times. Furthermore, the nose's position leaves these blood arteries vulnerable to external substances that might readily injure them.

Nosebleeds can arise at the front of the nose as a result of an injury to the portion separating the nostrils or in any part of the nostrils themselves. They can also happen in the back of the nose as a result of an injury to bigger blood vessels deep inside the nasal cavity. The blood may drain directly into the neck in this situation.

What causes a nosebleed?

Nosebleeds are most commonly caused by environmental changes and nose picking. However, there are numerous other variables that enhance the likelihood of nosebleeds.

Dry weather Just like the skin cracks in cold weather, the inside nasal tissues might break and bleed when the seasons change. The chilly wind, dry weather, and rapid changes in temperature from piercing cold outside to warm indoors damage the small blood vessels of the nose, rendering them vulnerable to bleeding.

Infections Common respiratory infections irritate and inflame the blood vessels in the nose, increasing the likelihood of bleeding. During a cold, nasal obstruction, congestion, and nose blowing are all frequent symptoms. All of these variables enhance the likelihood of blood vessel damage.

Exposure to external irritants Nasal bleeding can be caused by dust allergies and, more specifically, passive smoking (exposure to second-hand smoke)

Health conditions High blood pressure, renal issues, bleeding diseases, and thrombocytopenia (low platelet count) all increase the likelihood of excessive nasal bleeding.

Alcohol consumption Alcohol inhibits normal platelet function. It prolongs blood coagulation and enlarges blood vessels, exposing them to damage.

Medications A number of medications can interfere with the clotting process. Blood thinners and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)

Deviated nasal septum The nasal wall may be slightly displaced to one side in rare cases. While breathing, this changes the airflow via the nasal tube, the broader section of the nasal canal gets easily dry and cracked, increasing the likelihood of nose bleeding.

Self-care advise for nosebleeds

  • Blow your nose gently to eliminate any blood clots that may have developed within your nostrils. This may cause some bleeding, but don't be alarmed. It is only transitory.
  • Sit or stand, then slightly lean forward at the waist.
  • Tilting your head backward may cause some blood to flow from your neck, causing pain. Continue to breathe through your mouth.
  • With your index and thumb, grasp the soft front portion of your nose (just below the hard bone).
  • Hold it for a few seconds while breathing through your lips, then let it go. Repeat 4-5 times more.
  • If the preceding treatments do not stop the bleeding, you might apply ice to the nasal bridge to decrease blood flow.
  • Seek medical attention if your nose continues to bleed.

If your nose is bleeding as a result of a more serious issue, your doctor may prescribe nasal drops to halt the bleeding. If a bigger vessel is injured, resulting in excessive bleeding, the doctor may employ gauze packing, specific chemicals, a plug, or an electric device to seal the wounded blood vessel. Laser treatment may be indicated in some cases to seal the leaking blood artery. Recurrent nose bleeds caused by a deviated nasal septum can be addressed surgically to rectify the septum's position.

You can also avoid nosebleeds by following these guidelines

  • Always use a gentle blowing motion while blowing your nose.
  • During the winter, keep the interiors warm, especially for individuals who are sensitive to cold.
  • To keep the nasal tissue from drying out, use an over-the-counter saline nasal spray or nasal gel. Before usage, consult a pharmacist or a doctor.
  • To avoid face injuries when driving or participating in sports such as football, use caution.
  • If you are allergic to chemicals or dust, use a mask over your nose.
  • Quit smoking and avoid breathing secondhand smoke.

When should I seek medical attention?

Nosebleeds generally go away within a few minutes. However, if it does not go away after first-aid and is recurrent, you should visit a doctor right once. Other warning symptoms include persistent nasal congestion, unpleasant nasal discharge, and discomfort when bleeding. The doctor will evaluate your medical history and the medications you are currently taking. A physical examination of the nose will be performed to determine the location of the bleeding. If it is posterior bleeding, an endoscope will be utilized to examine the location of the bleeding. Blood tests to check for platelet count and bleeding abnormalities may also be recommended by the doctor.